Category Archives: Events

Need a Public Speaker for Your Event or Meetup?


Would your group like inspiration for their lives and their relationships?

Below are soBe-Brave-Be-Safe-Be-Seen-narrow-logome talks and workshops I offer. I am happy to tailor the topics to meet your needs, so please feel free to talk to me about other ideas.

Because my talks and workshops are in the development phase, I am currently offering them at no cost.


Sculpting Your Mind: How Mindfulness, Intention, and Attention Shapes Your Brain.

Vulnerability and Authenticity in Relationship: Practices for Bringing Your Authentic Self to People You Care About.

Male Silence: How Society Still Teaches Men to Suck It Up and What We Can Do About It.

Lead from the Middle: Providing Structure and Direction When You’re Just One of the Group.

I’m offering these topics and others either as talks and short workshops. A talk is about 30 minutes, including a 20 minute overview of the topic and 10 minutes question and answer afterwards. A workshop lasts 60 to 90 minutes and includes an introduction to the topic as well as self-assessment and skill-building activities. I can shorten or lengthen a presentation to meet your needs.

Contact me at

New religious/spiritual abuse group forming for January


This six-session series will offer the opportunity to explore the impact of religious or spiritual abuse on one’s personal, professional, and family relationships, exploring topics which may include:

  • Reasons for leavingangel-340324_1280
  • Dysfunctions in religious families
  • Faith versus feeling
  • Apocalyptic thinking
  • Identity and worthiness
  • Learning to feel safe
  • Building new community

The full flyer is available here.

Feel free to leave questions below or email directly to see if this is the best fit to support you right now.